Prescribed pharmacological medications are simply symptomatic and are not intended to treat the causes of bodily conditions. And when they are prescribed to young children with ADD/ADHD, they tend to suffer from their undesirable and unwanted side effects.
This article will deal with a novel holistic approach that combines the healing systems of Western and Eastern medicine. A few years back, a newspaper featured a story about a US Army doctor who treated American soldiers in Afghanistan suffering from battle trauma. This doctor has achieved significant results using auricular acupuncture in the treatment of these soldiers. The treatment worked so well that the US army incorporated it into their medical training program. This article strengthened my conviction that auricular acupuncture in Overland Park can address mental and emotional problems such as ADHD and ADD in both children and adults.
A French medical practitioner doctor named Pual Nogier developed what we now know as auricular acupuncture 50 years ago. This therapy is a kind of energy treatment that uses extremely thin acupuncture needles into the auricle or external ear. Dr. Nogier discovered that the ears contain point that are associated with certain parts of the body. When certain parts of the ear are palpated, a painful sensation area of the body associated with the palpated area of the ear is felt. Also, the tendency to feel pain on the auricular acupuncture points increases as the magnitude of the dysfunction in the problems organs gets worse. Conversely, a decrease in the tenderness occurs when the health of the patient became better.
The doctor eventually discovered that the dysfunctional areas of the ears can enjoy meaningful health benefits in the related organs of his patients. Other scientists have now continued the work of Dr. Nogier and the acupoints on the ears and the areas of the brain that are affected by the acupuncture points have now been mapped in a rather accurate manner.
Western Europe has decided to use auricular acupuncture due to its proven efficacy in treating a wide range of conditions and its relatively quick procedure. It also has very few side effects, works very well, and is inexpensive. In Switzerland, Austria and Germany there are more than 20,000 medical physicians who have integrated auricular acupuncture into their practice. Auricular and traditional acupuncture may be used either separately or combined in a single treatment session. The difference between traditional acupuncture and auricular acupuncture is that the latter can detect parts of the central nervous system that can lead to these dysfunctions. Auriculotherapy is a therapy that’s often used to treat psycho-emotional disorders and addiction to substances.
A moderate number of US studies show that the cerebellum, pineal gland and the brain’s frontal and temporal cortex were 3 percent to 4 percent smaller in size. Those people suffering from ADHD/ADD were in better health compared to people that have no conditions. The parts of the nervous system are where involved empathy, general human behavior, memory and language skills, attention span and impulse control govern.
The research helped in the development of a therapy protocol named “Three Phase Auricular Therapy,” which has produced extremely positive results and is a powerful plan of treatment for ADHD in the US. The Three Phase Auricular Therapy eliminates the obstructions in the meridians in the areas where organ systems that are responsible for the dysfunctional behavior are located.
In identifying problems, the acupuncturist, will try to observe existing symptoms like discoloration of specific areas of the skin. Brown or bright reddish skin spots, for instance, usually indicate severe inflammation, while crusty scales or white flakes on the skin may represent a chronic condition in a specific organ system. Unusual markings, depressions, or protrusions on the ear’s skin surface often mean pathological imbalances. These problem areas where obstructions have been known to develop can be cleared by using an electrical device or by pellets adhered on the skin surface of the ear for several days.
The ear surface that corresponds to the acupoints on the ear are observed for any anomalies, pressure sensitivity, and skin discoloration after the obstruction has been deemed to be eliminated. The diagnosed problem areas of the brain are addressed with body acupuncture and/or auriculotherapy. Other more complex and less invasive modalities such as laser therapy and micro current electric stimulation are recommended for young children. Both young and adult patients may benefit from semi-permanent pellets and beads made of silver or gold.
To limit the need for pharmaceutical drugs, parents and young patients can choose auricular acupuncture as a complement to standard treatment. A medical doctor or psychiatrist is required to oversee any modifications in the medications used by the patient.
It’s possible that after the regions of the brain affected or causing the pathology are resolved, auricular acupuncture can then be considered as the only treatment needed for ADHD/ ADD.