Auricular Acupuncture Can Help Address A Wide Variety Of Diseases

Auricular acupuncture is a type of acupuncture treatment performed on the ear. Acupuncture is multi-millennial medicinal technique that originated in China, and is better known as a mode of treatment that uses fine needles inserted at specific acupuncture points in the body. Recently, several groups of acupuncturists specialize in one… Continue reading

The Acupressure Mix Eye Exercise Technique For Treating Eye Strain

People are looking for natural, easy, and practically solutions to relieve the problem of eye strain in the age of postmodern technology. We can release tension and stress in our optical system through eye exercises that can enhance eyesight. One such exercise is acupressure. Certain acupressure techniques are extensions of… Continue reading

Gua Sha Therapy An Ideal Way To Detoxify And Relieve Muscle Soreness

TCM or Traditional Chinese Medicine has seen a steady rise in popularity in the past decade. Most of us have heard and are familiar with acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, and Chinese reflexology, but only a few have ever heard of a healing practice known as “gua sha.” This ancient technique… Continue reading

Chinese Nutritional Therapy’s Commonsensical Approach To Illness

Just like medicinal herbs, Chinese nutritional medicine has been used for thousands of years as a way to better a person’s health. Foods were used as treatment modalities to prevent and heal disease. They are keys to the continuance and preservation of human life. Chinese nutritional medicine provides us with… Continue reading

The Modern Medicinal Applications of Auriculotherapy and Herbal Medicine

Ear acupuncture or auriculotherapy is a type of Chinese medicine that’s based on the sticking of few or several needles in the outer ear or auricle. Its origins date back to classical antiquity to the people of the Mediterranean. The father of Western medicine, Hippocrates, stated that the superficial lacerations… Continue reading

The Consequences of Blood Deficiency Among Girls and Women In Reproductive Age

In their early woman life, girls in South East Asian girls have learned from grandmotherly wisdom to not engage in any activity that will lead to a disturbance in their regular period. According to traditional Chinese medicine, if not addressed early, menstrual disorder can lead to a wide range of… Continue reading

The Many Benefits Of Maternity Acupressure For Labor

Pregnant women and women in labor can benefit tremendously from maternity acupressure. What is Acupressure? Acupressure is a technique similar to acupuncture in Miami but instead of needles, the treatment involves the application of pressure on certain points on the body through the use of the hands, thumb, or fingers… Continue reading

Chinese Cupping Therapy – How Does It Work?

Perhaps, a lot of our readers are already familiar with some of TCM’s (traditional Chinese medicine’s) more popular modalities. They include herbal medicine, massage therapy, and acupuncture. But did you know that there is one lesser-known TCM standard of treatment called cupping therapy that can help cure several forms of… Continue reading

Some Things You Should Know About Auricular Acupuncture

The outer ear is filled with nerves and is a highly sensitive part of your body. Those go directly to the brain, and so can reach any part of your body through the appropriate stimulus. Through thorough clinical studies, humanity has developed the means to utilize the ear as a… Continue reading

Alternative Therapies That Alleviate The Signs And Symptoms of Crohn’s Disease

Crohn’s disease (CD) is a chronic autoimmune disease that involves the inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. It is an inflammatory bowel disease in which parts of the immune system are attacked by the body’s own immune system. CD usually affects the ileum, the start of the colon, and the entire… Continue reading