How Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Treat Colitis

Colom inflammation can be referred to as colitis. This condition has several various different causes, including: IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), Crohn’s Disease, food poisoning, and chronic or acute and inflammation and other inflammatory diseases. Colitis symptoms include mucus, stomach bloating, gas, stomach pain, fever, bloody stools, and diarrhea. For the… Continue reading

Acupuncture Treatment for Back Pain to Improve Mobility and Eliminate Pain

Around 80% of people will experience some type of back pain at least once during their lifetime. The World Health Organization (WHO) has announced that acupuncture is a valid and effective treatment for all types of back pain (lower, middle, and upper back pain). The WHO studied how acupuncture is… Continue reading

As a Main or Adjunctive Treatment for Anxiety Acupuncture Has Been Proven to Work

Part of a medical system known as TCM or traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture is a practice that has been around for thousands of years and it involves the use of sterilized filiform needles inserted at certain regions of the body. The treatment is often used to modify the circulation of… Continue reading

Current Research Shows Acupuncture as Being a Safe and Effective Treatment for Achilles Tendinitis and Plantar Fasciitis

New studies suggest acupuncture in San Diego as being a safe and effective treatment for heel pain. This type of pain is a typical foot ailment marked by extreme pain, particularly when weight is placed onto the foot. Pain on the heel’s underside usually suggests plantar fasciitis while pain on… Continue reading

The Role of the Heart in Traditional Chinese Medicine

Most people would agree that the heart is the organ most closely associated with emotion. A lot of the terms we use every day describe love, betrayal or something deeply intimate often involves using the word heart (heartache, heartbroken, heartsick, etc.). The heart is the emotion that usually encompasses the… Continue reading

Acupuncture Points and Chinese Herbal Formulas for Curing Hangovers

People who have had a hangover often vow never to feel that way again – and why would anyone want to repeat that? Feeling thirsty, dizzy, tired, nauseous, possibly vomiting, and enduring a monstrous headache is enough of a litany of symptoms to make anyone vow the world to be… Continue reading

Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine Play A Huge Role in Hormone Balance Restoration

For treating imbalances of the hormones, acupuncture in Orlando may not seem like a logical choice; it does, however, produce certain benefits. This treatment, which is a major component of TCM or traditional Chinese medicine, is a medical procedure that involves the sticking of thin needles into specific parts of… Continue reading

If You’re Suffering From Tinnitus, You Should Seriously Consider Getting Acupuncture

There are a lot of health problems that many of us have to cope with on a regular basis that can be rectified to a certain extent with some form of natural cure. Usually, there are foods available that can assist usthere are also instances where it may require a… Continue reading

Some Interesting Facts About Moxibustion

The word moxibustion ormoxatherapy is derived from the Japanese word “Moe Kusa” which literally translates to “burning herb.” Moxibustion is a healing technique meant to relieve fatigue and pain in the human body. Moxa is obtained from the Mugwort herb. Moxibustion originated in China and Japan but because of its… Continue reading