Lose Weight Naturally with Acupuncture Palm Harbor

For many on diet, the frustration of suffering for days, weeks or even months only to have the weight come back and gaining a few pounds more can be so frustrating. Most people who have discovered acupuncture Louisville as a viable weight loss alternative seem to be handling their weight… Continue reading

Removing Stress and Infertility with Acupuncture Cleveland

Infertility acupuncture Cleveland is used as treatment for both male and female infertility conditions. The initial benefit of this type of treatment is its ability to reduce stress in both the mind and body which is always the best first step to attain the natural balance of the body once… Continue reading

Seasonal Allergy Treatment

For about 45 million Americans, springtime does bring warm sunshine back into their lives, which is the good news.  The bad news is that seasonal allergies also become a problem that they have to contend with.  The goal now is to find ways that will make them less prone to… Continue reading

The Importance of the Kidneys in Traditional Chinese Medicine

The way traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and Western medicine view the human body is fundamentally different.  The way TCM perceives the major organs of the body goes beyond their specific physiological functions.  TCM associates the organs with certain psychological and emotional aspects as well.  Western medicine on the other hand… Continue reading

The Many Uses of Acupuncture Orlando

Acupuncture Orlando is a very old healing procedure used by many Asian countries for millennia.  It has so many health applications.  Some of its health benefits extend to the healing of depression, menopausal effects, PMS, sleeplessness, high blood pressure/hypertension, IBS, chronic fatigue and anxiety among many , many others …. Continue reading

The Uses of Acupuncture Orlando

Acupuncture Orlando is a very good form of treatment procedure that involves filiform needles inserted into specific points on the body of a patient for pain control or other health benefitting purposes. Acupuncture’s origin is believed to originate as far back as 1,500 years BC.  The first book written about acupuncture… Continue reading

Acupuncture in Miami and IVF Treatment

In vitro fertilization or IVF is a very popular type of assisted reproduction technique (ART) for a couple to have a child in the US.  This procedure has aided them in their infertility and allowed them to have child of their own flesh and blood.  This procedure addresses fertility problems… Continue reading

Natural Treatments for Back Pain Pregnancy

Each pregnant woman would want to see deliver a happy and healthy baby into the world.  Pregnancy may be filled with excited anticipation but oftentimes it is filled with pain.  Times will occur during pregnancy when the woman’s ankles, hips and back would be affected by the increasing weight of… Continue reading

Two Ways to Release Endorphins in the Body

All people naturally want to feel happy and complete.  Some people even go to the extent of using artificial means like drugs and other non-natural approaches to feel happy and relaxed.  A few are aware though that the body has its own natural apothecary located inside the brain.   The brain… Continue reading

Miami Treatments for Stress and Anxiety

Anxiety disorders do not only cause fear and sadness, it can lead to physical conditions and mental complications particularly when the anxiety is left untreated and allowed to fester in the person’s mind for a long time.  Some of these symptoms include difficulty sleeping, headache, fatigue and muscle stiffness.  While… Continue reading