Herbs and Acupuncture Can Be Used to Treat PMDD or Premenstrual Dysphoria Disorder

For people suffering from PMDD (Premenstrual Dysphoria Disorder), they might be interested to know that acupuncture can be a viable treatment for their problem. In the Orient, herbal medicine and acupuncture are the two most important medical treatments for PMDD. This is a condition that’s composed of a variety of syndromes that is collectively known as premenstrual syndrome. It is really more helpful to make an accurate diagnosis by utilizing Japanese or Chinese diagnostic classifications than using these general terms. Premenstrual dysphoria disorder can lead to general unhappiness, insomnia, depression, sudden anger, irritability, and emotional swings that vary in severity with the menstrual cycle.

If you’re using antidepressants and other drugs it may result in unwanted side effects and may impact one’s sexual satisfaction; these drugs, however are the most commonly prescribed medications for PMDD problems in this country. Acupuncture and Chinese medicine, on the other hand, can be easily tolerated and extremely effective. These treatments can also be customized based on the patient’s needs. Several physicians promote the same medication to every woman with a PMDD diagnosis. The most effective and best medicine needs adapting the therapy to the patient.

Traditional herbal remedies prepared from different plants and acupuncture treatments are extremely effective in correcting a variety of complex disorders such as PMDD.

Acupuncture treatment for the relief of PMDD symptoms necessitates a commitment for a minimum of three menstrual cycles in order to know what the exact imbalance is and the best treatment for it. In Chinese medicine, an individualized treatment is important for women suffering from PMDDD because each woman experiences this condition in a different way. A customized form of treatment can help address the underlying cause of the disorder.

For decades, acupuncture and other traditional Chinese medicine procedures have been proven helpful in treating dozens of disorders common in modern Western society. As a practitioner of Chinese medicine, I believe that the mystery of enhancing health at a reasonable cost depends on the utilization of the ancient systems of Chinese medicine for helping emotional and physical problems.

Emily Farish Acupuncture
400 S. Jefferson, Suite 203
Spokane, WA 99204
Phone: 509-217-9262

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