Shaped like a butterfly, the thyroid is an endocrine gland organ found at the front of your neck. One of its functions is to house and release hormones that manage the metabolism of your body. Hyperthyroidism can develop when the thyroid manufactures excessive amounts of thyroid hormone causing symptoms like an engorged thyroid gland, moods swings, severe weight loss, poor sleep, rapid heartbeat, irritability, and nervousness. Hyperthyroidism may come about if you take in huge amounts of iodine, have a hormone disorder, or have a history of thyroid problems or a family history of thyroid disease. Acupuncture is one natural form of treatment for hyperthyroidism that can help mitigate its symptoms. But before you go for acupuncture treatment, you need to talk to your doctor first for proper advice.
Developed in China more than 4,000 years ago, acupuncture is a form of medicine in which filiform needles are used and inserted into the skin on specific parts of the body with the intention to stimulate the qi (vital energy) of the body in order to initiate a process of self-healing by the body. Acupuncture activates the nervous system to release painkilling hormones. It also aids in the balance internal organs in order to prevent disease and resolve illness. This treatment may have been already practiced for thousands of years in China and other parts of the world, but in the United States, it has only been acknowledged as a unique form of treatment during the 1970s.
Acupuncture Research
A Chinese medical journal called Shongguo Shen Jiu released a 2006 issue that included a review of an acupuncture study treatment that tested the comparative effects of acupuncture to medications in regulating the levels of thyroid hormone in patients suffering from hyperthyroidism. The study assessed the levels of hormone of two of groups of patients; one group was treated with thyroid drugs while the other was given acupuncture treatment. The medication group showed a 76% rate of improvement while the acupuncture group had a 94% rate of improvement.
The first thing your acupuncturist will do to treat your condition is to ask you questions regarding any supplements or medications you are currently taking, any signs and symptoms you are experiencing, and your medical history. Your acupuncturist will palpate your pulse and observe your tongue to be able to come up with a correct Chinese medical diagnosis. After that, you will either need to sit or lie down in a relaxed manner as your acupuncturist will start the process of administering needles into preselected acupuncture points in your body. The initial prick may feel uncomfortable but it will immediately turn into an overall relaxing sensation as the effect of the needles kick in. The needles are left in their position for about 20 minutes to a full hour. During that time, your acupuncturist may use other treatment methods including herbal formulas, cupping, electrotherapy, or Chinese massage to augment the effect of the treatment. It may require a number of treatment sessions to start to see a significant improvement in your hyperthyroid condition.
It is important to get treatment from a licensed and experienced acupuncturist in Miami who uses clean disposable and sterile needles and use the proper acupuncture procedure. This may prevent the rise of infection, discomfort, bruising, or bleeding. You can ask your doctor, family members, or friends for referrals or you can contact your local health department to find a licensed acupuncturist skilled and experienced enough to provide you with adequate treatment and care.