The ancient healing technique of Gua Sha has been used by many practitioners and therapists of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). A lubricating medium, such as massage oil is used in this technique. The oil is applied on the treatment site on the skin. Then, the acupuncturist uses a smooth-edged tool to administer long or short strokes on the treatment site, usually on the back parallel to the spine or in the area of pain. Ecchymosis or bruising or petechiae or redness is created by this stroking motion.
The most common use for Gua Sha is for the treatment of chronic and acute pain. According to TCM, pain is typically the result of blood stagnation in the specific region of discomfort. The idea behind Gua Sha is that it is able to bring about the smooth circulation of blood and resolve stagnation in the localized area, which lead to the relief of pain.
TCM practitioners and therapists use Gua Sha to resolve conditions like muscle spasms, sprains, strains, fibromyalgia, heatstroke, heatstroke, fever, flu, colds, bronchitis, flu, colds, and asthma although it is more commonly used to alleviate pain.
The reason why this ancient modality works can be explained by certain theories. Gua Sha boosts microcirculation (flow of blood) in the soft tissue, blocks the pain reaction pathways so you potentially experience relief of pain and activates the natural pain-relieving opioid systems of the body.
Certain people consider Gua Sha as mere folk medicine; however, the scientific research community now will beg to differ! Harvard Medical Center researchers have demonstrated both offer insight on the extreme effectiveness of Gua Sha. The publication Pain Medicine featured a study in its 2011 edition that showed how Gua Sha reduced pain in patients suffering from chronic neck pain. It noted that “after a week, the severity of neck pain significantly improved in group treated with Gua Sha group compared to the control group that were treated with heat therapy.
Doppler images and other various procedures have been used by scientists to reveal that microcirculation definitely improved site of treatment resulting in the reduction of both distal and local regions of pain. In one interesting research, it was seen how Gua Sha reduces inflammatory markers of a patient with Hepatitis B and liver injury. This indicates that Gua Sha has a protective outcome on the liver.
Talk to a licensed acupuncturist in Spokane near your area if you are interested in trying Gua Sha therapy. During your initial consultation, the acupuncturist will need to conduct first an exhaustive assessment to see if you are eligible to undergo this type of treatment. Go online and visit the NCCAOM (National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine) website and search for an acupuncturist in or near your area.