The Use Of Auricular Acupuncture And Phytotherapy In The Treatment Of Cancer Symptoms

The healing system known ear acupuncture or auricular acupuncture is based on the insertion of needles in the outer ear or auricle. Its ancient beginnings go back to classical antiquity of the people in the Mediterranean. The father of medicine, Hippocrates, wrote about the excoriations of the backside of the ear for the treatment of sciatica and sexual impotence. Galen also wrote about the medical applications of excoriations in some conditions of the ear. Auricular acupuncture is founded on the theories of Western medicine and Western application of specified acupuncture points on the ear that are affiliated with somatotopic areas remote to the area of the body requiring treatment, such as the muscles of the spine, abdomen, etc.  The sticking of needles or other stimuli can result in involuntary responses that instigate the activation of nerves in the tissues and organs of the body. In auricular acupuncture, the healing aspect of the illness remains the same, the manner of doing the therapy is the only thing that changes.

In the treatment of nausea, the same acupoint is used and does not change regardless of the eating habits of the patient.  Medical studies in this field are quickly evolving, and auricular acupuncture treatment in some of the symptoms of cancer such as for the relief of pain has proved very effective.

Since herbal medicine is the branch of Chinese medicine that comes closest to natural Western mainstream medicine, phytotherapy justifies a distinct mention as it relies on the utilization of chemicals in plants that are organically farmed. One should note that thirty to forty percent of conventional medication is derived from plants and herbs. Herbal therapy is the healing art of using therapeutic plants and derivatives to treat or prevent disease, in association with the pharmacopoeic attributes of the chemical properties of the plant, or in the preparation used. It is not the same as the therapeutic or diagnostic techniques used in Western medicine. The therapeutic plant can be seen as a vessel of chemicals, occasionally isolated and utilized for treatment. In some instances, herbs and plants are sources of raw material for the manufacture of drugs or for the manufacture of herbal remedies themselves. Herbal therapy is a very promising method in the cure for cancer, both as a complementary treatment or as a preventative measure to surgery, radiotherapy, or chemotherapy. It can be utilized as a way to relieve symptoms such as constipation, depression, and fatigue, used as an immunostimulant, and for the cure of radiodermatitis and gastrointestinal disorders, among many others.

A wide range of clinical studies have confirmed the pre-clinical anticancer properties of ingredients found in many plants. Some plant ingredients are also toxic, causing very severe interactions with Western medications concurrently taken, or triggering allergic reactions. Because of these, appropriate extracts should be used always, standardized, quality controlled, refined from toxic and worthless, and solely utilized with medical prescription. For instance, cancer patients may use aloe smoothies and honey sometimes knowing (sometimes not) that some of the ingredients in these plants reduce the toxicity of chemotherapy.

Before beginning a cancer therapy, please talk to an oncologist first.

Ni Nan Healing Art Center
2579 Merrick Rd
Bellmore, NY 11710
(516) 442-7408

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